Специјална Опрема - Скоје
Специјална Опрема Скопје
Mk En Ru



Purpose: Non-lethal type mine


It belongs to non-lethal weapon category. It is intended for temporarily retention of enemy manpower by means of it covering by high resistant catching-net. It is manufactured in form of compact cased unit inside of which a pressed catching-net and mechanisms of it ejection are installed. The net system is equipped with pockets for fuzes and signal light cartridge insertion. Set of pull-action type fuze consists of tension wires and ground fixers which are installed in hidden manner. For system combat arming the full set of equipment is installed and fuzes are cocked. While tension wires touching by the intruder the fuze is actuated and powder charge eject the pressed catching-net vertically upwards. Simultaneously the signal light cartridge is actuated. It is carried and installed by one user by means of standard field sapper equipment.

Technical details:

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