It is designed on base of container for K-01 field equipment room equipped with necessary
life activity supporting means.
It provides the following:
deployment and simultaneous operation of some radio relay directions;
deployment of wire communication lines with symmetrical cable using for up to
2 048 kbit/s data transfer rate with SHDSL, G.703 interfaces;
possibility of E1 channels selection from radio relay paths and its transfer through radio
relay and wire communication lines (paths);
deployment of communication lines with field fiber optic cable using for 2 048 kbit/s,
8 448 kbit/s data transfer rate;
deployment of subscriber telephone network with IP-technologies use;
connection and routing of local computing and IP-networks with IP v.6 protocols using;
connection with other CER for functional possibilities broadening;
conversion of information transmitted in networks with packets commutation to networks
with channel commutation and vise versa;
its own coordinates obtaining;
deployment of two automated workstations for CER operators to control the communication
and network active equipment.